Court Marriage Gurgaon
Want to do court marriage in Gurgaon? Itzeazy assists in court marriage procedure in Gurgaon and helps you in preparing court marriage documents. Court Marriage in Gurgaon shall be carried under Special Marriage Act 1954 ,irrespective of caste , creed and religion . If you are getting married in accordance to the Special Marriage Act the wedding is solemnized and registered by a Marriage Officer. The important thing in such a marriage is that a public notice must be given for 30 days. If there is an objection to the marriage in these 30 days, the Marriage Registrar will take necessary steps to redress the objection. He may accept or reject the marriage altogether based on his investigation. The need for Marriage Certificate arises in case you need to prove that you are legally married to someone, for purposes like obtaining a passport,changing your maiden name, etc.
How to do court marriage in Gurgaon provides Consultancy for Marriage registration under special marriage act or Court Marriage in Gurgaon , provides end to end assistance in all documentation support to the clients. Court Marriage can be done Where either of the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs and the marriage will be registered under the Special Marriage Act 1954. Special Marriage Act sets minimum age of marriage as 21 years for men and 18 years for women. Service provided by Itzeazy is doorstep & process is guided and carried by expeienced professionals in this field Though documentation will be done by Itzeazy , visit of husband , wife & 3 witness is mandatory in front of marriage registrar on 2 occasions .