RTO Khamanon comes under Transport department of Punjab. If you are wondering PB-49 is which city/district ,PB-49 is RTO code for RTO Khamanon. RTO office in Khamanon is responsible for traffic laws, road tax collection, driving licence issuance, vehicle registration, and other related services like as transfer of ownership of vehicle, HP addition/termination of vehicle, vehicle NOC, and so on. RTO Khamanon is where you pay your road tax.
RTO performs different tasks or activities required to ensure safe and appropriate transport on the road. RTO Khamanon is primarily responsible for the enforcement of the rules and regulations in road transport in the Khamanon region.
The information about Vehicle registration is of parent RTO where it was registered first.Information about subsequent change of RTO or address may not be reflected here.
Vehicle Number : | PB-49 XXXX |
State Transport Code : | PB |
RTO Code : | 49 |
State : | Punjab |
RTO Circle : | Khamanon |
Jurisdiction area : | |
Address : | Khamanon Punjab |
Purpose | Fees |
Issue of learner’s licence in Form 3 for each class of vehicle | ₹ 150 |
Learner’s licence test fee or repeat test fee, as the case may be | ₹ 50 |
For test, or repeat test, as the case may be, of competence to drive (for each class of vehicle) | ₹ 300 |
Issue of a driving licence | ₹ 200 |
Issue of International Driving Permit | ₹ 1000 |
Addition of another class of vehicle to driving licence | ₹ 500 |
Any application for change in address or any other particulars recorded in the driving licence e.g. address etc. | ₹ 200 |
Renewal of driving licence | ₹ 200 |
Renewal of a driving licence for which application is made after the grace period |
₹ 200
Note.:- Additional fee at the rate of one thousand rupees for delay of each year or part thereof reckoned from the date of expiry of the grace period shall be levied. |
Note: Where a Smartcard Type driving licence is issued in Form 7, an additional fee of 200 rupees shall be levied.
Purpose | vehicle type | Fees |
Issue or renewal of certificate of registration and assignment of new registration mark |
Motor cycle | ₹ 300 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 600 | |
Transfer of ownership | Motor cycle | ₹ 150 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 300 | |
Change of residence | Motor cycle | ₹ 150 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 300 | |
Endorsing hire purchase/lease/hypothecation agreement- | Motor cycle | ₹ 500 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 1500 | |
HP cancellation/HP termination | Motor cycle | ₹ 0 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 0 | |
Issue of duplicate certificate of registration | Motor cycle | ₹ 150 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 300 | |
Conducting test of a vehicle for grant or renewal of certificate of fitness | Motor cycle | ₹ 200 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 400 | |
Grant or renewal of certificate of fitness for motor vehicle | Motor cycle | ₹ 200 |
Light Motor Vehicles | ₹ 200 |
Note: Additional fee of two hundred rupees shall be levied if the certificate of registration is a smart card type.
Itzeazy provides RTO consultancy services for car and bike in Khamanon RTO and its adjacent RTOs . Service is door-step.
Itzeazy has expert team of RTO consultants who advice and guide you in all RTO related matters.
RTO consultancy services are available in the jurisdiction of all RTO's of Khamanon .
Itzeazy provides RTO services in Khamanon for car and bike . RTO Services in Khamanon is door-step. Itzeazy has expert team of RTO consultants who advice and guide you in all RTO related matters. RTO consultancy services are available in the jursidiction of all RTOs of Khamanon .
Itzeazy provides RTO services such as Ownership transfer, Hypothecation termination,Duplicate RC, NOC,Re-registration, Road tax payment, Driving License etc.
Driving Licence
Driving License Renewal
Duplicate RC
Duplicate Driving License
HP Deletion
Is NOC from RTO Khamanon required to renew my Drivers License in other state ?
As per rule NOC is not required for Driving License
Can I get road tax refund for my car as I have driven car in Khamanon only for 3 years and moving to Mumbai ?
As per motor vehicle act , you can get road tax refund from RTO Khamanon . But You should have obtained NOC from Khamanon RTO. Than firstly you have to register your car at Mumbai and then claim for road tax refund from Khamanon RTO
Can I drive my car in Khamanon if it’s registered in a different state?
You can drive the vehicle in Khamanon for 11 months. If you want to drive the vehicle beyond that period, you need to re-register the vehicle in Bangalore RTO.
Can I make changes in details of my registered vehicle RC ?
Yes , you can can make changes through 'Alteration of vehicle' option on parivahan website.
I already having a valid Learning Licence for one class of vehicle,is it required to apply Learners' License for another class of vehicle ?
No, you can endorse the class of vehicle on the same Learning License