In recent years there is a lot of automation in the traffic challan. Now challans are available as e challan virtual court UP. Virtual court challan UP can be paid online and the process for virtual court challan payment UP is very simple. If you have got some virtual court challan Uttar Pradesh, Worry not! In this article, we are going to discuss ” how to pay traffic challan in court in UP “.
The virtual court in Uttar Pradesh was created to simplify paying court fees and fines online. Litigants have the option to utilize various service delivery channels to conveniently access and monitor the status of their cases online.
The virtual court is a concept that aims to eliminate the need for a litigant or lawyer to appear in court by adjudicating cases online.
Virtual court challan payment UP
Following are the details for virtual court challan payment UP.
- With the v courts government portal, you can conveniently pay all your virtual court challans online in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
- This portal enables you to view your case details and address any other related matters of virtual court challan payment UP.
- It provides a user-friendly platform for managing and resolving virtual court issues efficiently.
You can view your case or any other issue in the v courts portal.
Every Indian can use it to pay a court challan or other fine. It provides a variety of services to the general public in India. Virtual court’s services are listed below:
- Check the status of case
- Payment of e challan at virtual court
How to check the status of virtual court challan UP?
You can check the status of virtual court challan UP using one of the methods listed below by searching:
- Phone number
- Party name
- Challan/Vehicle no
What is the procedure for paying an e challan virtual court UP?
The procedure for making virtual court challan payment UP. If you want to pay your e challan using the virtual court, please follow the steps given below:
- To begin, visit vcourts, which is the official virtual court website. Now go to the virtual court of India’s home page.
- Choose your state as Uttar Pradesh and related department and then click the Proceed Now button.
- Select challan/vehicle no. on the left side of a new page.
- After selecting challan/vehicle no., enter any challan or vehicle number, enter captcha code, and then click the submit button.
- Show your e-challan on the screen and choose a payment option to pay your e-challan.
Traffic Challan in India | E Challan
eChallan UP: Your Way to Check Your eChallan Status in 2022
How to check the status of a traffic challan in UP?
If you have a traffic police case and want to check the status of your case online, please follow the steps below:
- Visit the virtual court’s official website . Now go to the virtual court of India’s home page.
- Choose your state as Uttar Pradesh and related department and then click the Proceed Now button.
- For searching your case on the virtual court website, you have four options: first, use your mobile number, second, use your CNR number, third, use your party name, and fourth, use your vehicle number.
- Choose what you know about the case.
- After clicking the submit button, enter your selected option number and captcha code.
- Display the status of your case on your computer screen.
How to pay traffic challan in court in UP?
In the current situation, it is possible to use e-filing to submit their traffic challan and to use V courts website to pay court costs or fines.
Through various service delivery channels, litigants have the convenience of accessing and checking the status of their cases online.
It is now possible to pay your challans in court online through the portal. You can access this website to view your case or address any other related matters online. Every individual residing in Uttar Pradesh can use the method mentioned above to pay a court challan or other fine. It provides a variety of services to the general public in Uttar Pradesh.
We trust that the information regarding virtual court challan in Uttar Pradesh has been comprehensively explained. We have provided a detailed procedure. In case you still have any uncertainties, please feel free to express them in the comment box.
I don't want to pay the fine online. Can I transfer the case to court?
Yes, the case can be moved to a courtroom. Use any of the search criteria to find your case: mobile number, CNR number, party name, and vehicle/challan number. By clicking the 'View' link in the case information, litigants can access a comprehensive challan that provides detailed information regarding their case. Select the radio button that says 'I want to contest the case.' The system will ask you to verify your OTP. The submit button will appear after successful verification. Fill in the required information and press the 'Submit' button. Along with the court name and date assigned to your case, an acknowledgement message will appear.
What do I do if I lost my original challan receipt?
Yes, using the search menu, you can find information about your case. After the case is marked as 'Paid,' litigants can click the 'Reprint' option available after clicking the 'View' link. After OTP verification, you can reprint/view the receipt.
I received an SMS instructing me to go to the website and pay the fine. What should I do now?
Click on the virtual courts link on the eCourts web portal. After selecting a state, a screen with various search options will appear. You can use any of the options to search for your case. Once you've found your case, click the 'view' link to learn more about it and the next steps. You can either pay the fine or file a contest as the next step. In either case, OTP verification is required. If you choose to pay the fine, you will redirect to the ePay (payment gateway) to complete the transaction. On completion of the transaction, you will get a receipt. You will be given the physical court name and the case date if you choose to contest the case.
What is the procedure if I want to pay the fine or request a contest, but my phone number is incorrect on the challan?
My phone number is incorrect on the challan, but I want to pay the fine/request a contest. The system will use RTO data to validate the engine and chassis number. After successful verification, you can move on to the next step. (Virtual Courts > Court > Search Case > View > Pay Fine Using Engine and Chassis No/ Request to Contest Using Engine and Chassis No> OTP Verification > Payment/Transfer to Court>Acceptance)
My challan sent to court, when it will show on virtual court?
Jawahar Lal Nehru
My challan sent to vcourt one year back. What should I do?
Shubham tiwari
There is a option in my virtual court chaalan it shows that your chaalan is yet to be proceeding what does it mean please tell me there is no option of pay chaalan show in my challan
omkar sharma
bro it will take upto 30-40 days to get a sms to pay the challan dont worry
Pradeep Kumar Patel
सर मेरा चालान कोर्ट में चला गया है मैं इसे कैसे भरू
Mohd irfan
Chalan pay Kara dijiya
Shraddha Shukla
Contact 6307874253 for any query related to challan.
Shraddha Shukla
Virtual court automatically pick challans within 90 days from date of challan… If there is any query contact 6307874253. We are available for your help 24*7.
Mohd Faizan
My challan date 12-06-2022, but it is not show virtual court
My vehicle no UP82AK4948
When the system is unable to verify payment success, this may occur. Click on the ‘view’ link and then click ‘Reprint’. You can reprint/ view the receipt after OTP verification.
Show Send otp failed
Sir I have done my Challan by Virtual Court, I have got acknowledgement receipt but also after 22 days my challan showing pending at e challan site.
I have given this information to both the e-challan and the virtual court through mail
But No any one response me , my Challan number is UP78490210624124525
And bike number is UP23W0401
Please clear my Challan at Vahan Portal
Mi foundation
Pls share your receipt you have paid. It has to be physically submitted to the court. If your challan amount is rs 500 & paid rs 100 thru vcourt , then it will be submitted to the court with fees rs 400/- , plus advocate fees.
Call 7004201512 to complete process of challan thru virtual court
call 8933080088 for all up challan disposal
Mani Megalai
I paid my challan amount in upi . But still onwards they do not update in site.
Kamalendu Debbarmna
My challan (Date 27/08/2021) has moved to court now in KANNAUJ UP, UP466008210831115737. It’s not showing in Virtual court also. How can I clear that with out visiting court. Car no HR26CJ9184 Please suggest
How did you pay your challan?
Mohit kumar
My challan is not shown on virtual court
Challan number
Mohit kumar
mail @ for any assistance
Shraddha Shukla
It is not necessary that every challan will move to virtual court there is many criteria just like mobile number is correct or not and RTO challan never goes to virtual court
My challan sent to court but is not showing in
राम धीरज
मेरा चालान सी जी म् कोर्ट मे भेजा गया लेकिन v courts in कोर्ट मे नहीं दिखता है
dispose in regular court
I pay 1000 rupee challan on vcourt and the amount is debit from my account but the status of vcourt still show unpaid
Please help challan number UP42315220113032041
re generate receipt and
suhail uddin
i pay1100 rupees challan on date 7/5/23 v court and tha amount is debit from my account but tha status of v court stillshow unpaid
plz helpmy challan no is
Abdul Rahman
I pay the challan amount but not show on echallan website my vechile number is RJ09GC4600. I pay 2 challan of uttarpradesh and on virtual court it shows paid but on echallan it shows pending. Please help me and tell what to do.
Hi my vehicle no is up56at1781 still the pending challan even after months is showing pending. Please help me 9880002056
Mohammad Amir
Mai Mohammad Amir v chalan n. UP97680220521123850 hai jo ki date. 14.10.2022 me amount1100 bhar diya abhi tak dikha rha hai. Ap se niyedan hai ki sahi kare.
Ajhar ali
Virtual court
Mohammad Amir
Mohammad Amir
I pay the challan amount but not show on echallan website my vechile numbeUP97680220521123850. I pay 1challan of uttarpradesh and on virtual court it shows paid but on echallan it shows pending. Please help me and tell what to do.
I pay 100 rupee challan on vcourt and the amount is debit from my account and payment has been successful summited but the status of vcourt still show unpaid
Please help
Vehicle Number UP81CR6626
challan number UP465827220309115983
its disposed already
mera challan court me ja chuka hai lekin payment karne ka option nhi aa raha hai kya karna chayiye
Up32cn4325 virtual court me nhi dikha rha h
I have paid my truck challan (UP114554230210121416) though virtual courts payment was successful but still my challan showing pending on a e challan website
Can you help me with this issue
मोनिस खान
मैं vcourt पर 1000 रुपये चालान का भुगतान किया हे किन्तुअभी तक नेट से चालान नही हटा हे जिसकी
गाड़ी संख्या ये हे UP22AJ9617 किरपा कर मेरा चालान हटा दे
Lovejeet Singh
HR 37E 4650
Challan no UP144674220902185926
Challan pay kar diya hai kripya karke net se hata den
Jeveesh Jeet
It is already paid.
call 8933080088
and will help you disposed the challan in mentioned regular court
Mukesh Vishwakarma
I am waiting to send challan in Virtual Courts but it is not updated…. But when I check status from e-challan… it is prompted… “The challan is not sent to Virtual Court because payment initiated. So challan will be disposed in the mentioned regular court.”.. Please help what should we do now… My challan is : UP76119221006160136
now pay the fine in regular court
call 8933080088 for guidance
Mohd Danish Idrees
any update on this mate
I am also facing the same issue.
Gaurav Pal
Any update on this Danish Ji,
I am also dealing with the same issue at the moemnt
Any update on this? I am also facing the same issue.
Gaurav Pal
Any update on this Rajat Ji,
I am also dealing with the same issue at the moemnt
Mychallan in merut cort kaise bhare
Sandeep gupta
My Challan no. : UP104646220625194651 — Showing Status From 25 Jun 2022 Till Now Can You Help Us
Sandeep gupta
My Challan no. : UP104646220625194651 —From 25th June 2022 showing same status Proceedings of the Challan is yet to be completed Can you help us
Jeveesh Jeet
It is already paid.
Abhishek Kumar Shukla
Respected sir, Maine Vcourt ke madhyam se 20/12/2022 ko 2 challan deposit Kiya but abhi tak portal par challan status pending hi show kar raha hai. Plz eshe disposal kare. It’s very important sir. Vehicle No- UP44AT9775 Challan no – UP141255221019193502 Up114253220527120032
not show payment option in the portal
Mohd Danish Idrees
My challan is sent to CJM court, unable to pay onlin.
Showing below notifications while opening the challan status
“The challan is not sent to Virtual Court because payment initiated. So challan will be disposed in the mentioned regular court.”
Yash singh
Mai gorakhpur se hu mera chalan kai dino se virtual court me jane ki vajah se kai pay nahi ho raha rai
Yash singh
मैं गोरखपुर से हूं मेरा चालान कई दिनों से वर्चुअल कोर्ट में जाने की वजह से pay नहीं हो पा रहा है
Yash singh
मैं गोरखपुर से हूं मेरा चालान कई दिनों से वर्चुअल कोर्ट में जाने की वजह से pay नहीं हो पा रहा है UP56T6156
Virchlo court ma jan chala gay hai online pay nhai ho raha hai
Parmar ramesh bhai vasharambhai 9909948848
Mera chalan no up9132200320173938 ise bharane me meri helap kijiye plz
Parmar ramesh bhai vasharambhai 9909948848
UP9132200320173938 bharane me helap kare plz
Manoj pandey
In my challan no UP40838221122054097 after feed OTP in portal ,it shows wrong . Please see this matter . I have tried many time but not responded system.
पप्पू धनफेर। 7388018827
UP84709221130154715 भरने में मदद करे
Tarun Sharma
मैने अपना चालान भर दिया है लेकिन अभी भी पैडिग सो कर रहा है क्या करना होगा UP14EW6466
Hello sir Mera chaalan virtual court may chalgaya hai tho ap madad kar dijiye vahan per online payment so nahin kar raha hai so please help me my chaalan number UP144835220922175556
I got the message that my challan is sent to court , but I am unable to find in on Virtual Court Website….how much time it takes challan to reflect in Virtual Court Site
Adv mohd faisal
Msg me on Instagram faizu_7677 for disposal of challan in court
Rishabh gupta
UP78HN4392 meri gadi abhi virtual Court mein nahin pahuncha hai March mahina 2023 ka hai
Rishabh gupta
, Meri gadi ka Chalan abhi virtual code mein nahin pahuncha Hai up 78 hn 4392 Hai March mahine ka Chalan hai
Manoj Kumar
In vertual court my challan status shows that proceedings of challan yet to be complicated so unable to pay fine what should I do
I got the message that my challan is sent to court , but I am unable to find in on Virtual Court Website….how much time it takes challan to reflect in Virtual Court Site
I have received an message on my mobile number having notice of e challan no- UP42315221021063698(HCL CHAURAHA – NOIDA) and Vehicle number – HR51BQ1339 against violation of Without helmet. I have checked this notice on website and found the image of violation proof is not my bike. Website showing vehicle number in image – UP14 CH 6167 but my vehicle number – HR51BQ1339.
Sir, how is it possible, Please check at your end and confirm.
Hello, My challan has been sent to court in UP, will I be able to make payment virtually without going to court?