if you are searching for Black Number Plate in India meaning , you are at the right page to know all about it. In a country where there are billions of people, and millions of vehicles, there also needs to be a system to sort these vehicles into categories of registration. This is when number plates in India come into the picture. These number plates are classified on the basis of colors like red, black, blue etc. So, here you will know about one of the number plates i.e Black Number Plate with yellow Numbers/letters on it.
Black Number Plate in India
Not only do the number plates ensure the maintenance of clear records, but it also helps in differentiating between types of vehicles. On seeing the color and content of the vehicle, you can quickly identify the state and district the vehicle was registered in, and the type of vehicle (private or public). The number plates for different vehicles in India hold a certain level of significance.
There are about 8 different types of Indian number plates. This includes
- White number plates
- Yellow number plates
- Black number plate
- Blue number plates
- Red number plates
- Green number plates
- Plates with an upward arrow.
- Red number plate with a golden Indian emblem
The color in which the lettering is, is often black, yellow, or white. The color is dependent on the purpose of the vehicle.
Black Number Plate in India meaning
A black number plate in India stands for rental vehicles. On these black number plates, the lettering can either be yellow or white. Drivers of rental cars or vehicles typically operate vehicles with black number plate with yellow numbers or letters on it . For a vehicle that is registered as a rental or self-driven can be used for commercial purpose , has black number plate in India.

Black number plate with yellow numbers or lettering in India observed on following applications:
- A vehicle used to move goods or people for business purposes is considered a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). Pickup trucks, box trucks, semi-trucks, vans, coaches, buses, taxicabs, trailers, and travel trailers are a few examples of CMVs.
- The transportation used by upscale hotels, such as the cars available for the guests to use for personal activities, frequently have black number plate with yellow numbers or lettering.
- The number plate allows for individual’s without a commercial driver’s license to also drive these cars. This is the reason startup companies such as Myles, JustRide and Zoomcar are required to use this black number plate. It is illegal in India to rent out your car to other individuals if the car does not have a legal black number plate in India.
How can I apply for a black number plate in India?
In India, there is a central authority known as the RTO (Regional Transport Office) which is the regulatory office to enforce a system in the vehicles in the country.
- The first requirement in applying for a black number plate is ensuring that your company is registered. If the company is unregistered, they cannot own vehicles with black number plate in India.
- Submit a letter detailing why the company profile and explaining why the company is eligible for it. You may be asked for additional documents to support your claims at RTO.
- If the request is approved, you are eligible to pay an amount averaging between INR 50,000 and INR 100,000, for one period of number plate eligibility. However, this amount may differ as per RTO offices, so it is best to visit your RTO and inquire.
Along with the aforementioned there are also a few more documents that may be required. This includes:
- Completely filled Form 20.
- Sales certificate from the dealer of the vehicle in the format of Form 21.
- Road worthiness certificate given by the manufacturer in the format of Form 22.
- Insurance policy at present of the vehicle and one attested copy of the same.
- Evidence of the address that the vehicle is registered to and one attested copy of the same.
- Road tax.
The number will be allocated and then the fee slip will be provided to the individual applying. This slip can be considered to be registration proof until the official certificate of registration is not issued.
Q1 Why are there two different types of number plates for commercial vehicles?
The yellow license plate is used for modes of transport which are specifically commercial vehicles. The black number plate is for the more niche category of rentals, wherein the owner of the vehicle is a private owner, and the car is being used by someone apart from them.
Q2 Do commercial vehicles need different insurances?
Yes, the insurance needed for a commercial vehicle is usually inclusive of a lot more factors and has considerably more comprehensive coverage, which means that the rates are also more than that of private vehicles.
Q3 Are any additional documents needed to drive a commercial vehicle to a different state?
Yes, you may be required to avail of a State Entry Permit at an additional cost if you are looking to cross state borders.
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