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ECR Passport Allowed Countries

ECR Countries

ECR Countries like Some Middle East countries and South East countries are risky for workers because there are higher chances of exploitation. So if you have ECR passport, you need to go through extra process of emigration check during going to these countries for work. The only goal is to protect workers from exploitation in the emigration check required countries. There is no such rule for ECR passport allowed countries, which is all the countries other than those 18 ECR countries .

There are 2 types of passport – ECR and ECNR

  • ECNR Passport – If your education is 10th or above, you will get ECNR passport
  • ECR Passport – If your qualification is below 10th standard you will get ECR Category passport

In case, you are going to these ECR countries just for fun or vacation you do not need to go through extra emigration check procedure.

What Is ECR

ECR means Emigration Check Required. ECR is a category of Indian passport holders who need to get Emigration Clearance from the Protector of Emigrants (POE) before working in some countries.

What is the purpose of ECR

Indian citizens with little education often face problems like violence in other countries. So, the Indian Government made strict rules to help Indians living abroad and keep them safe. So, the Government introduced ECR to protect Indians living abroad and help them in tough times.

Why is ECR necessary

ECR is required for Indian citizens who want to work in 18 ECR countries that need extra government approval. This is to protect workers’ rights and safety, especially for those with low educational qualifications who may face domestic violence or exploitation abroad.

If you have ECR passport, you need to get extra approval from Indian authorities before working in the ECR Passport Allowed Countries

ECR Passport Allowed Countries

As per the Indian Bureau of Immigration (BOI), below is the list of 18 ECR countries:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Bahrain
  3. Iraq
  4. Indonesia
  5. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  6. Kuwait
  7. Jordan
  8. Libya
  9. Lebanon
  10. Malaysia
  11. Oman
  12. Qatar
  13. Sudan
  14. Syria
  15. Thailand
  16. UAE and
  17. Yemen
  18. Jordan

As of now, there is a ban on emigration to Iraq.

Who can apply for ECR Passport

If you haven’t passed your 10th grade or don’t have certificates for the same, then you have to undergo an emigration check.  And your passport will fall under the ECR category.

If the passport applicant has not completed his 10th grade or has completed but does not have all the necessary documents for SSC (staff selection commission) and children under the 15 years of age get default. And, Indians who are traveling to any foreign country on a visa other than job or employment visa can also apply under the ECR category by opting the ECR option while filling out the Passport Online Application Form.

Documents For ECR Passport Allowed Countries

The mandatory documents that you need to submit for ecr passport allowed countries in 2024 are address proofs, annexures and any emergency proofs (if required). The above mentioned documents are must while applying for the ECR passport. Educational qualification certificate is not necessary.

Check out: What precautions to follow if going to ECR countries for work

Documents you need at the airport if going to ECR Countries

  • Valid Passport
  • Valid visit/residence/study visa etc.
  • Return Ticket

Do carry these documents along with you when you are packing your bag for ECR countries

Documents to carry with you when going ECR Country

  • Valid passport (at least 6 months validity)
  • Valid visa (matches your job category)
  • Copies of your passport and visa
  • Employment contract (signed by you and employer, attested by recruiting agent)
  • Employment contract copy in English (authenticated by recruiting agent)

And, N.R.E. savings account in an Indian bank –

How to check ECR status in Indian passport online

If you do not pass class 10th and declare your qualification during applying for the passport, then you will come in ECR categories. To check ECR status in Indian Passport online, one stamp will be inside your passport, and Emigration Check Required is written there.

What to select for ECR question in Indian passport application form

If you want to fill the Indian Passport Application Form for ECR (Emigration Check Required), you need to fill that with full concentration. You will come across with this question: “ Is applicant eligible for Non ECR Category?” As described above, if you have NOT passed 10th standard and want to migrate in any of the ECR Passport allowed countries, then you would need to select NO.

Emigration Abroad for Employment

The Emigration Act of 1983 says that no Indian citizen can move to another country unless they get emigration clearance from the Protector of Emigrants. Some countries that are consider as ECR countries, do not have strice laws to control who can enter and work there.

So, if your passport says ECR, you need the government’s permission to work in 18 specific countries. But you don’t need this permission if you’re just visiting an ECR country for a holiday, to study, or for any other reason. And remember, if your passport doesn’t say ECR, it means you have a Non ECR Passport category

Also read

How to remove emigration check required Indian passport

Non ECR Category in Passport: ECNR Passport

Documents Required for Non ECR passport 



Is emigration clearance required for tourism and fun travel with an ECR passport?

You do not need emigration clearance for ECR passport allowed countries. If you are going for the tour or visiting your friend- all you have to do is provide a valid passport, visa and return ticket at the immigration counters at international airports in India.

I have selected ECR category by mistake in the online application . What should I do now?

If you have selected ECR category by mistake in the online application then there can be 3 scenarios :

  • Application is in draft stage – Open the application which is in draft stage and select the ECNR category
  • Application submitted but fees not paid – Leave that application . Fill up the new application and choose the correct category
  • Fees paid – Explain the mistake in the application form to the passport officer during the visit to passport seva kendra, show them the supporting documents for ECNR passport. Passport officer will do the necessary correction in the application form.

How to tell if your passport is ECR or ECNR?

To check your passport if it is ECR or ECNR you have to check last page of your passport. Locate your Father/Guardian Name – there either you will notice stamp of ECR or you will find Emigration Check Required is written there. That means you have an ECR passport. If not then you have Non – ECR Passport

Can you convert your ECR into a Non-ECR passport?

To convert your ECR passport into Non ECR passport, you need to apply for reissue of passport. Following are the steps to apply for reissue of passport :

  • Go the the Passport Sewa
  • Choose “apply for Fresh Passport/Re-issue of Passport”
  • Select “Reissue of Passport”
  • Choose “Change in Existing Personal Particulars”
  • Choose reason as “Delete ECR “
  • In the application select passport category as “ECNR”
  • Finish the application and submit it
  • Pay the passport fees online and schedule appointment for the visit to passport seva kendra
  • Document verification at passport office
  • Police verification
  • Issue of passport

senior citizen passport- book order

If you want to apply for passport, you can book order online. For any query or concern please speak to one of our relationship manager over phone or chat. You can also write to us. We will get back to you.

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1 Comment

  1. வெங்கடேஷ்

    Ecr passport ல் உஸ்பெகிஸ்தான் ஐந்து மாதங்கள் வேலைக்கு செல்ல முடியுமா

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