Do you have ECR passport ? Are you curious to know “how to remove emigration check required in Indian passport?” In this article, we will discuss how to remove ECR from passport or how to change ECR to ECNR in Indian passport.
If you are looking for assistance in changing ECR to ECNR in Indian passport, Itzeazy provides assistance for this. Itzeazy is India’s no. service provider for passport.
Before taking look at how to apply ECR to ECNR in Indian passport, you must know the meaning of ECR and Non ECR. We will also discuss how to check passport is ECR or ECNR.
Emigration Check Required
The ECR means Emigration Check Required and the ECNR means Emigration Check Not Required. To begin, check your passport to see if it has an ECR stamp on it or not. If you have an ECR passport, it will have the words ‘Emigration Check Required’ stamped on it. If you have a non-ECR passport, you will not have ‘Emigration Check Required’ stamped on it.
If you do not want to go through the process of emigration check status. We are going to show you how to remove emigration check required Indian passport. So, if you wondering “how can I change my ECR passport to ECNR” you have come to the right site. Let’s begin with how to change ECR to ECNR in Indian passport.
Also Read – Non ECR Category in Passport: ECNR Passport
Eligibility For ECNR Passport:
Following is the eligibility criteria to remove emigration check required in the passport :
- All holders of Diplomatic/official Passports
- All GAZETTED Government servants, their spouses and dependent children.
- All persons having educational qualifications of matriculation and above
- All persons above the age of 50 years
- Income-Tax payers (including Agricultural Income-Tax payees) in their individual capacity, their spouses and dependent children below the age 18 years
- Persons possessing two years diploma from any institute recognized by the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) or State Council of Vocational Training (SCVT), or persons holding three years diploma/equivalent degree from institutions, such as Polytechnics recognized by the Central/State Governments of India
- Nurses possessing qualifications recognized under the Indian Nursing Council Act. 1947
- All professional Degree holders , their spouses and dependent children. Examples of professional degree holders are Doctors holding MBBS degree or equivalent degree in AYURVED or HOMEOPATHY, accredited Journalists, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Lecturers, Teachers, Scientists, Advocates, etc
- All persons who have been staying abroad for more than three years (the period of three years could be either in one stretch or broken) and their spouses
- Seamen who are in possession of Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC), or Sea Cadets and Deck Cadets
- Persons holding Permanent Immigration Visa, such as the visas of UK, USA and Australia
Passport fees
Following is the passport fees for 36 page passport :
Normal passport fees
- Adult passport – Rs. 1500
- Minor passport – Rs. 1000
- Duplicate passport – Rs. 3000
For 60 pages there is additional fees of Rs. 500.
Tatkal passport fees – Rs. 2000
Steps to apply for ECNR passport
Following are the steps to convert ECR passport to ECNR passport :
- Passport application form filling – Application form is to be filled up online.
- Fees payment – Passport application fees can be paid either online or offline at any SBI branch
- Appointment scheduling – Once payment is done, scheduling of appointment at nearest passport seva kendra is required for document verification and biometric purpose
- Visit to passport seva kendra – On the day of appointment, applicant needs to visit to the passport seva kendra for biometric and document verification
- Police verification – There will be police verification at the current address
- Passport issuance – Once police verification is done , passport will be issued
- Delivery of passport – Passport gets delivered by post at the current address
How To Change ECR To ECNR In Indian Passport Online
If you plan on travelling abroad, having your ECR stamp removed may be crucial for you. Otherwise, you may face complications. To avoid complications, remove your ECR stamp. In this section, I will show you how to remove emigration check required in Indian passport. Following is the procedure to change ECR to ECNR in Indian passport online
- Go to and Log in to your account
- Select Apply for Fresh Passport/Re- issue of Passport
- Click on the “Click Here to Fill Application Form”

- Choose Re- issue of Passport > Change in Existing Personal Particulars > Delete ECR > Normal > 36 Pages/60 Pages

- Enter the required information and select Yes for the question “Is applicant eligible for Non ECR Category”
- Click on Next to continue
- Complete the application form & Submit it online
- Make payment of passport fees online
- Schedule appointment at the nearest passport seva kendra
- Visit to passport seva kendra on the appointment day , carry all original documents and old passport with you
- Document will be verified and biometric data will be taken
- Police verification of the home address given
- Issue of passport & delivery by post
Now you have the answer of the query “how to remove emigration check required in Indian passport”. If you have any doubt regarding How to change ECR to ECNR in Indian passport online, Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section if you have any; we’d be happy to assist you.
Trending Now: ECR Countries

You can book order online. For any query or concern please speak to one of our relationship manager over phone or chat. You can also write to us. We will get back to you.

What happens if my passport has emigration check required?
If you have “Emigration Check Required” (ECR) category of passport, it means that you are required to obtain clearance from POE office before traveling abroad for certain countries. The ECR status typically applies to Indian passport holders who are either unskilled or semi-skilled workers, especially if they plan to travel to countries that have certain visa requirements, like those in the Gulf region (e.g., Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.).
Can we convert ECR to non-ECR?
Yes, you can convert your ECR (Emigration Check Required) passport to Non-ECR passport, provided you meet certain eligibility criteria. This process typically involves submitting an application for a passport reissue, along with the required documents.
I am class 10 fail can i clear my ecr status to non ecr
Not possible Atleast 10&12 th pass required..
Christy Colaco
When changing from ECR to ECNR do they issue a new passport or do they stamp on the old passport only.
I have cleared 10th & 12th standard still i got ecr stamp on my passport.
I have shown each and every document to passport office they clearly made mistake during my application. Because we have proof of online application in which we selected non ecr – y and the passport department has shown the application in which it is written non ecr – n. Now whom i should blame for my ecr stamp and how changes can be done. Almost a year is completed and suddenly i came to know that i have ecr stamp on my passport as i was applying for first time i didnt knew what ecr stands for now i know.please let me know what i can do to remove ecr from my passport.
Mere pass 10th pass ki marksheet hai kiya mai ECR se ECNR kar sakta hu
How to change ECR ECNRin passport.
I have 10th and 12th grade marks report card. Still doing my final year degree.
Sir ,
Please guide me how can i change my passport ECR to ECNR .
Kaushik Modi
Gulam Hasan
Change ECR
My son is having NIOS 10th pass certificate can ecr removed from passport
Sk abdul rajak
10th.mark.167.nomber ha
Mera. ecr . clear hogha
That person who don,t have any 10th or 12th certificate? how do they apply for ecnr.
because i already have ecr passport but i don,t have 10th certificate.
same question is my..plzz give this qus reply
Akshay Kumar
I have an offer of a job in a hotel in Qatar but my passport has ECR on it. How to get it changed. I am 8th pass have completed a two month course in hotel service
நான் ஒன்பதாம் வகுப்பு பாஸ் செய்து பத்தாம் வகுப்பு சென்றேன் படிப்பை நிறுத்தி விட்டேன். நான் ECR TO ECNR ஆக எனது பாஸ்போர்ட் மாற்ற முடியுமா?
அதற்கு என்ன வழிமுறைகள்
ankesh jain
My age is 29. Can I change my passport from ECR to non ECR ?
Yes you can change your passport
Shahul Hameed PK
Hi sir
I have ECR Passport I’am 10 failure person but I’m filing ITR, so I’m eligible ECR to ECNR conversion possible ?
Muhammad Danish
Yes you eliglble for ECNR passport, If you want to change ECR to ECRN, then call me on this number i will help you +91 9528571981
my brother got a visa from Doha so he has ECR Passport, how can remove ECR or stamp his passport, please can you send me the online links
I have my surname spelling issue in my school and college certificate with one letter difference. What else can I do to get EcNR
Kaushik Modi
Minor chang ECR YA ECNR
How can I change my mother ECR passport to NECR as she is 52 years now. She doesn’t have 10th class certificate. How much time it take to convert.
Hi have ecr passport i have worked overseas for 6 years is there any chances to change the ECR TO ECNR
syed mahmood
i applied for ecnr i finish 3 years above in gulf already i finish police verification till now i didn’t receive my passport
Amitabh bachan
ECR passport clearance for migration as early as possible as possible
ECNR required for migration
1. For removing ECR status , do I need to submit my passport for correction ?
2. Will there be change in Passport number ?
2. If there is already a visa stamping on the PP , then how will I get it transferred tothe new passport?
Abdul Mateem
Good evening sir and madam
I was in Saudi Arabia working 35month
I was in Dubai working 6month
I was in Dubai workin 11month
I have work other country Total month 52
I have passport ECR!
I want change ECR
Nurul Ali khan
আমি 9 ক্লাস পাশ করেছি . আমার ecr পাসপোর্ট আছে কি করে ecnr পাসপোর্ট করব
I have a post graduate…Inspite of that, I have been put on ECR. how do i clear this…Why they put post grad people on ECR?
நான் பத்தாம் வகுப்பு சென்றேன் ஆனால் படிக்கவில்லை. எனது ecr பாஸ்போர்டை ecnrஆக மாற்றம் செய்ய நான் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்..
உதவி செய்யுங்கள்
Dipesh jain
I am 10th fail and but my ITR file is there and I am businessman
Yes you are able to ecnr
What is ecr and non ecr ?
Ecr status is given whose qualifications is below 10th considering he or she is illiterate non ecr is for above 10th .. that simple
Mangesh Ambetkar
My daughter is mentally retired, on passport ECR stamp is printed.
If i submit her Medical certificate can I get ECNR stamp on her passport, We have to travel next week, pls. suggest
Is there any desk on Mumbai airport
I am 10 fail but i completed my degree in TNOU i already have ECR passport and change my passport in ECNR it is possible?
Ajay krishna kule
I want to do in my passport ecr to ecnr i want to do i have new passport received two years ago so i want to do emigration chek required to do emigration check not require stam on my passport ok what shall ill do ok
Ajay krishna kule
I have a indian passport so i want to do ecr to emigration check not required in my passport ok
Siddharth Nandan
My minor daughter has been issued ECR passport, though i had filled “Yes” for ECNR. How can i cange it?
Manish chand
Sir I have a nepal 10 th pass Certificate but iam Indian How can change ecr to ecnr passport , its possible or not
I want to change my Ecr to ecnr, at the time of passport appli could not submit my 10th certificate as it was in my college . How to change it now
If the person is having only 10th certificate 12th is not there then it will not possible to to convert ECR to ECNR please tell ….after 10th 5 years is completed….
hi I’m Gajapathy i need to chang my passport ecr to non ecr i ha 10 fail certificate and i was ITR filing is ther 2022to2023 if any possibility change my passport to nonecr kindly help me
Christy Colaco
When changing from ECR to ECNR do they issue a new passport or do they stamp on the old passport only.
I have received my passport. They have mentioned “Emigration Check Required”. I have already completed 10th and 12th. What can be done now?
I have to renew my passport. But I don’t have my original marksheet of ssc and hsc. I have it in my DigiLocker. Can digi locker documents accepted passport seva
mohan kadcol
i done private 10 completed its is possible to clear my non ecr
I am a nonecr as I have passed 10th and 12th i accidently selected no for nonecr , what to do now???
Does police verification happen again?
The Link provided in the document takes me to online NRI passport application. The Miscellaneous service form does not have the option for ECR removal. Can you help me with the correct link.
Yug Patel
This step is wrong. We need to reapply for the passport then only ecr can be removed to necr