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Drunk And Drive Limit

Drunk and drive limit

Did you ever cross the Drunk and Drive limit? Thinking what is the alcohol limit for driving in India? If yes, then here you will get all the information about all drink and drive limit.

Every year, thousands of people are dying or getting injured in road accidents because of drunk driving. It became one of the leading cause of accidents on road these days! It is not only illegal but this behavior is irresponsible. Freedom of driving on the roads comes with responsibility that you should take care of. In this article we will cover drunk and drive limit and what punishment are there for this crime. You will also get tips on how you can avoid this and drive safely on road

Drunk and drive limit

Drunk and Drive limit is measured in BAC. BAC is the amount of alcohol in your blood! It basically measures the amount of alcohol in percentage. Let’s say BAC is 0.08% that means 0.08 gm of alcohol in 100 ml of your blood

Drunk and drive or BAC limits depend on the country and their legalities. BAC limit in India is 0.03%. BAC can be checked by breath, blood, urine or saliva test. Mostly it is tested by breath and the tool they use in BreathAlyzer. Although blood tests give accurate and reliable BAC.

No matter how less you have drunk, you are not fit for driving even you just had one drink. Alchol effects lots of things, make you not to drive well and also lacks the capability of thinking. The risk are higher if you are on some medications or you are already stressed or tired. So, if you are in such situation please do prefer to get public transport. Take bus, taxi

Young people’s habit of partying, drinking, and then driving inevitably worsens the situation. We must ensure that we are safe drivers and not exceed the drunk and drive limit. The laws of drunk driving in India and the penalties for drunk driving are discussed in this blog.

what is the alcohol limit for driving in India

What is the punishment for drunk and drive cases in India?

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and crossing the drunk and drive limit is currently a criminal violation. In India, driving under the influence is a crime under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs is punishable by imprisonment for a period of up to six months and/or with a fine as high as two thousand rupees under the Motor Vehicle Act.

Within three years of committing a similar offence of drunk and drive limit exceed, a second or subsequent offense is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years and/or by a fine of three thousand rupees.

What is section 185 of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988?

 Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs is illegal in India. While driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle while not keeping in mind what is the alcohol limit for driving in India, whoever:

(a) has more than 30 mg of alcohol in his blood. per 100 mL of blood detected by a breath analyzer in a test, or

(b) is under the influence of a drug to the extent that he or she is unable to exercise proper control over the vehicle. They shall be punished for the first offence by imprisonment for a term of up to six months, or a fine of up to two thousand rupees, or both.

And for a second or subsequent offence, if committed within three years of the previous similar offence, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of up to six months, or a fine of up to two thousand rupees with a period of imprisonment of up to two years, or a fine of up to three thousand rupees, or both.

Explanation. — The drug or drugs specified by the Central Government in this regard by notification in the Official Gazette shall be regarded to render a person incapable of exercising proper control over a motor vehicle for the purposes of this section.

In the further section, we will discuss the drink and drive limit.

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What is the alcohol limit for driving in India?

The drunk and drive limit exceeds when a person’s blood alcohol level exceeds 30 mg per 100 ml of blood, as determined by a breath analyzer test. The same is true for anyone who is under the influence of a substance to the point that they are unable to maintain adequate control of the vehicle.

Drink and Drive Limit

It is important that you understand that what is the alcohol limit for driving in India? The legal drunk and drive limit is 30 mg/100 mL of blood. The traffic cops are using a breath analyzer to test a person.

The person is deemed guilty if the test results demonstrate that the amount of alcohol in their blood exceeds the drink and drive limit. Exceeding the drunk and drive limit is a criminal offence for which a challan is issued because the person is no longer in charge of the vehicle.

As previously stated, the drink and drive limit is 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. However, according to reports, this fluctuates based on body weight, but the average 65 kg male may keep inside the legal limit if he drinks:

  1. 2 gallons of beer (660ml). It is not recommended to consume large bottles of alcohol (750ml).
  2. Two glasses of wine which is one large peg of whiskey (60ml) (200ml)

In India, the legal drinking age ranges from 18 to 25 years old, and it varies from state to state. However, a majority of Indian states and union territories have a legal drinking age of 21.

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What you will have to do if you have been caught while Drunk and Drive?

If you are caught by police officials while exceeding the drink and drive limit then, you will be requested to take a breath analyzer test to see if you are under the influence of alcohol. The test will be conducted with a breathalyzer.

If the amount of alcohol in your system exceeds the Permissible Alcohol Limit, you will most likely be fined for violating the traffic law. The traffic police will issue a challan against your name as a punishment.

It is necessary to pay any outstanding challans. So before drinking, you should know what is the alcohol limit for driving in India. You can pay your challan or fine for driving while intoxicated either online or offline.

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How to check chalan online

For Offline Mode:

  1. Go to the traffic police station closest to you.
  2. Inquire with the person in charge of the fine amount you must pay.
  3. Pay the fines and get your receipt.

For Online Mode:

  1. Go to your state’s transportation department’s official website.
  2. On the portal, select the e-challan or traffic violation payment tab.
  3. Enter your car number or the challan number, as well as the captcha code.
  4. After that, the fines can be paid online with a debit/credit card or using Internet banking.
  5. After a successful payment, a confirmation message will appear on the screen.

Your challan have been successfully paid after these followed steps.

How to stay below drunk and drive?

Drink responsibly:

  • Instead of drinking quickly, try to pace yourself by having a non-alcoholic drink between each alcoholic drink.
  • Eating food before or while drinking can help slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream.
  • Drinking water or non-alcoholic beverages between alcoholic drinks can help keep you hydrated and reduce the amount of alcohol you consume.
  • Everyone’s tolerance to alcohol is different, so it’s important to know your own limits and stick to them.

Use a BAC calculator:

  • Find a reputable online BAC calculator: There are many online BAC calculators available, but not all of them are accurate
  • Use the calculator as a guide: A BAC calculator can give you an estimate of your BAC, but it’s not always 100% accurate. Use it as a guide

How to avoid being caught for drink and drive limit

The following points may help you from being caught for exceeding the drink and drive limit case.

  1. When you have to drive on the road, don’t drink and drive.
  2. When you’re intoxicated, take a cab or a taxi home.
  3. Observe all driving laws and regulations.
  4. Keep in mind what is the alcohol limit for driving in India.
  5. While driving, have all of your car documentation with you.
  6. Do not drive too fast, especially if you are inebriated.
  7. If you are intoxicated, ask a friend to pick you up.
  8. If you’re heading out by yourself, go for a non-alcoholic beverage.
  9. If you choose to consume alcohol, do so responsibly.
  10. If you’re a parent, discuss the dangers of drinking and driving with your children.
  11. Call the cops if you fear someone else is driving while intoxicated.

You can refer for drunken drive safety

Taking a cab, for example, is always preferable to driving drunk. Being responsible ensures not only our personal safety and well-being, but also the city’s and people’s overall safety.

I hope your all the queries regarding the Drink and Drive limit is cleared. If you still have some queries regarding the drunk and drive limit, you can mention in comment box.

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