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Re registration of vehicle, RTO, Transfer of ownership of vehicle

Transfer of Vehicle Ownership in case of Death

Transfer of Ownership of Vehicle in Case of Death

Ownership Transfer of Vehicle

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If you are searching for how to do a RC transfer in case of death, you are on the right page. As per the Motor Vehicle Act, there is provision for the transfer of vehicle ownership in case of death to the legal heir. It needs to know the complete procedure and requirements for RC transfer. Therefore,in this article, we will discuss the online transfer of vehicle ownership in case of death, its documents, fees required, etc.

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Documents required for transfer of ownership of vehicle in case of death online

Following are the documents required for transfer of vehicle ownership in case of death online:

  1. Succession Certificate: First, the heir must determine who is the lawful owner of the car as per the deceased person’s testament. To sell a car, a letter of authority issued by the regional court or the SDM is required.
  2. Loan clearance:You must clear any loans on the deceased person’s vehicle following the letter of authorization. It need to submit RTO Form 30 and RTO Form 31 to the concerned RTO. To remove the hypothecation from the RC, you would need a NOC from the bank or financial institution.
  3. Death certificate: A valid death certificate is required to pass vehicle ownership on to the deceased person’s first legal heir. You would need a death certificate to sell a deceased person’s car.
  4. Car registration certificate:The registration certificate for the car is a required asset for the vehicle registration transfer when selling a deceased owner’s car.
  5. A copy of valid insurance certificate:It needs to present valid insurance certificate to the regional RTO. It should be an attested copy on car’s receiver name for vehicle ownership transfer.
  6. Address proof of the applicant: It needs to present valid an attested copy of the applicant’s address proof to the regional RTO When selling a deceased person’s car.
  7. Pollution certificate:A certified copy of a current PUC certificate is also required. Because the PUC certificate is confirmed every few months, the PUC should be up to date.
  8. A copy of the applicant’s PAN card:An attested copy of PAN card is required. If the buyer does not have a PAN card, RTO Form 60 and Form 61 can be used.
  9. Vehicle verification:The vehicle is verified using RTO form 20.
  10. RTO forms 30, 31

How to transfer of ownership of vehicle in case of death?

If you want to transfer ownership of a vehicle in case of death online, follow the steps below:

  1. Get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the seller is the first step.
  2. Next, go to the Parivahan official website  and pick the menu from Online Services to move further with transfer ownership of a vehicle in case of death procedure.
  3. Click on the Vehicle-Related Services.
  4. Choose your state now.
  5. Now, choose your RTO for vehicle registration and press the Proceed button.
  6. Choose an online service to apply for a transfer of ownership, a change of address, or a mortgage.
  7. Enter your car information to transfer ownership of a vehicle in case of death, such as the Vehicle Registration Number and Chassis Number, and then click the Verify details button.
  8. You will now have access to all of your vehicle’s information. You can view your vehicle’s comprehensive details here. What is the name of your vehicle, when was it registered, and when will your vehicle’s insurance expire?

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Transfer ownership of vehicle in case of death offline process

Following is the procedure for Transfer of Ownership of vehicle in case of Death:

  1. The new owner of the car must submit Form 31 to the registering authorities, filling out all of the required information.
  2. The new owner of the car must file the ownership transfer paperwork within three months of taking possession of the vehicle.
  3. Under Rule 81 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, the new owner of the vehicle must pay the registering authority’s charges for the transfer of ownership of the vehicle.

also read

Documents Required For RC Transfer

RC Transfer Cost

Vahan Parivahan RC status

What are the forms required RC transfer in case of death?

Following are the forms required for Transfer of Ownership of vehicle in case of death online:


Form Name




Form 20

Form 31

Form 60


I hope all the information about the Transfer of Ownership of vehicle in case of death is clear. But if still, you want to ask any query you can mention that in the comment box.


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Is there any penalty for late transfer of ownership of vehicle after death?

Yes,there is a penalty for late transfer of ownership of vehicle after death in India. It varies from state to state.Many of the states have Rs 500 fine as penalty.

How do I sell a car of which owner has died?

A family member or a legal heir can approach RTO and transfer its ownership to their name and obtain car's legal authority. after this,you can sell the car.


  1. Rinku Chatterjee

    My husband expired last year due to covid. It has been now 15 months. How do I get a succession certificate on my name

  2. teena

    how much penalty to pay in case nt transfered wn 3 m of death

    • Rudradeb Sadhu

      Legal heirs of my father’s motor car is my two sisters and I (only son). My father died on 22.02.2024.
      What’s the process to transfer ownership of car in my name and what’s the total cost to be borne by me?
      The car is registered in 2015 in District Hooghly, WB.
      CAR NO.: WB16AK7624

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